Jul 7, 2008

Thank you Nuffnang :)

I just want to say thank you to Nuffnang for the tickets to watch Hancock the movie last nite. Mum says that it is rude not to say thank you to the person who gave you gifts :).

I have never been to the Cathay Cineplex Damansara before... talk about the country bumpkin from the city :). I was actually a bit lost when I got there. Rather undecided whether to park at the Curve or not but saw the carpark signage at Cineleisure as I turned the corner. Managed to find a carpark space, which according to my friend Jean, was quite lucky. It is sometimes quite difficult to find a carpark there.

As I got out of the basement carpark, I was unsure where to go next. So, decided to just take the escalator up to the higher floors. Never been to a cinema lower than the 2nd or 3rd floor of a complex :).

After reaching the 2nd floor, still no sign of the cinemas. Thought I could smell popcorn... perhaps my nose can lead me there. As I was about to turn towards the next set of escalators, I saw this extremely tall "mat salleh" aka kwai low aka Caucasian man. Why, it was none other than Shaolin Tiger, the blogger. Have never met the guy personally but have visited his blog occasionally. So, I tailed him all the way to the cinemas. Ha Ha.. thanks shaolin tiger :).

Picked up the tickets from the counter with Nuffnang banners. I think the cutie manning the booth must be Robb.

Whilst waiting for Jean to turn up, tried to look around to see if I can spot any bloggers that I might know. But couldn't pick them up as I have not attended any of the other Nuffnang's parties. Maybe I would the next time. Thanks again Nuffnang for inviting me to your private screening of Hancock, the Movie.

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