Jan 17, 2011

Eyebrows....the dos and don'ts

Oh Angelina Jolie!  Yes, she has beautiful brows too!  I loved this picture because of the lines for measuring and the numbering.  Number 1, you want your brows to start either directly up from the flare of your nostril or from the start of your eye (depending how wide your nose is).  Number 2, you always want your arch to be angled out from the outside of your iris of your eye.  Number 3, your brow should end diagonally out from the flare of your nostril.

I love this picture because she demonstrates how beautiful full, natural, but cleaned up brows can look!  Gorgeous!

This picture is wonderful because it is a close up so you can see if you held something straight (like a ruler), from where her brows start, it is a perfect clean angle to the arch!  A lot of waxers, tweezers, threaders don't get this line/angle this perfect.

Natalie Portman!  Some eyebrow shapes will be more straight, and that is fine.  Better to have clean, fuller, more straight brows, then too thin!

These brows are beautiful too, but can you tell that her right one (our left) is thicker than her other one?  It is very important to make sure our brows match.  So if I were her, I would have shadowed in the thinner one.

Kim Kardashian!  As you can see has beautiful brows both naturally and filled in to complete her make up application.

If you need help with correct shape, there are wonderful stencils you can buy and use at home.  See how she already has plenty of hair, I would recommend using a shadow and angled brush.  If you have a whole or missing hair, then I would use a pencil.

A lot of blonds think that since their hair is light, that means their eyebrows should be light too.  As you can see, Gwen Stefani looks much better with eyebrows we can see.  Here's a little tip! ... If you do your makeup and stand across the room and look in a mirror....if you can't see your eyebrows, they are too light!

Here this girl is using a straight pencil to measure where she wants her brows to start.  Since she is missing hair there, she will use a pencil to connect to the hair she has.

I don't know what this guy was thinking?  I do see a lot of girls walking around with these brows too.  This shape is just not correct.  There shouldn't be a thick boxy amount of hair that then thins out over the entire eye.  The shape should start out thicker, then gradually angle to the arch.

This girl has what is called "comas".  She is beautiful, but her incorrect eyebrow shape takes away from her beautiful features.  Also, her eyebrows are way too far apart, making her eyes seem even farther apart.  If she was my client, I would have her try woman's Rogain for awhile and look for growth.  If her hair didn't grow back, I would take off the hair that is not in line with the rest of her shape.  Brows shouldn't dip down that low.  Not sure how this got started????

This girl has created her own shape!  It's called....crazy!  Apparently she wants to look like a cartoon or something?

This girl not only has too thin eyebrows, her arch is not correct.  She has more of a "rainbow" shape, than an arch from the outside of her iris of her eye.  To me, it looks like she is penciling in her eyebrows, so I would have her get a stencil and show her how to correct her shape and make her brows a tad thicker than how she is drawing them on.

Here again we have some incorrect shape and more cartoon looking eyebrows on a living human being!

I just needed to show another correct shape after all those incorrect brow shapes! lol

Here is another diagram.  This one is showing how to achieve correct shape, based on the eye alone.  This does work in come cases, but I almost always base my shape off of the person's nose!
Any questions, please contact me!
Have a blessed day!
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