Jul 9, 2008

Reconnective Healing

Have I ever mentioned that I am very interested in all things unconventional, whether it is unconventional music, food, religion, healing. Well, I have been a reiki level 2 student since many years ago and have been using it mainly to heal myself and some of those close to me. In the beginning, I was also a bit skeptical as to how effective this form of healing can be until a very personal experience I had in my office some years back. A colleague was having an awfully painful encounter in the office which later was diagnosed as a spontaneous abortion. Well, that experience really changed my entire perception and understanding on the potential of using reiki as an alternative form of healing.

Yesterday, as a result of much encouragement and sponsorship by a good friend, I made my way to Lighworks at the back of Wisma NPL for my Reconnective Healing. At times, we are not even aware of what sort of healing we need. Most of the time, we are only aware of our physical needs, but there is also our emotional needs, our psychological needs and also our body's hormonal needs. When I went through my reiki level 1 attunement process, which basically enables a recipient to open up and connect to the Universal Reiki Energies on a mental, physical, emotional and psychic level plus it also clears and balances many important energy channels within the body, I never thought that what I needed healing most was my emotional side. After the attunement process, my Reiki Master did ask me to be prepared as sometimes healing takes place after experiencing some unexpected results due to "cleansing" or what others would call de-toxification. Little did I know that my healing started in the middle of the night, in a cyber cafe. Half way chatting to a friend in Canada, suddenly, I felt quite emotional and tears started to roll down my face. Heck, we were chatting about his lakeside holiday the weekend before. I had to quickly bade him goodbye and log off my MSN and practically ran out of the cafe. The bout of tears went on for almost 5 whole minutes. Mmmm... according to my Reiki Master, I must have been carrying these emotional baggages without knowing that I was. Cool...hahaha..

Anyway, after the healing treatment yesterday, the facilitator informed me that healing will take place when when his treatment stopped ... yikes...i hope it is not with another bout of tears to kick off the healing .. haha.. but i doubt it..my emotional baggages have all been cried out the last time...but let me share this with you (hopefully he is not going to kill me when he finds out that I have posted his less than attractive picture here)... a friend who went for his healing session almost a month back was a-ok until 2 days ago. He broke out in rashes.. from the scalp on his head to the soles of his feet... he looked like he was going to transform into the THING.. from the Fantastic Four Team. Asked him if he felt any super powers surging in... for that I got a growl... oh well, it is not everyday one has a superhero for a friend mah!! According to the facilitators at Lightworks, this is likely to by my friend's way of his body getting rid of all the toxins. Each person will experience different results after the treatment.

This reminded me of the healing potentials of lingzhi. Many have spoken of the lingzhi's ability to heal a lot of illness but before healing can take place, one has to experience some form of detoxification. Some people even get fevers, coughs, colds. Well, I will soon know :)


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