Jul 7, 2008

Rabbits up for bid

Rabbits really needs a lot of space to run around and putting them in a cage inside a condo unit is just not right. Anyway, this is the story of Aki-chan and Haru-chan.

Anyway, they have grown quite a fair bit since the last time I ran a post of them. And I hate to say this, Aki-chan is one hor*y rabbit. Yah yah.. that is where the saying "breed like rabbits" come from. It has been over a month that Aki-chan has been trying to do Haru-chan every single waking minute. Sometimes I really pity Haru-chan having to put up with it. I let them out of the cage hoping that this will distract Aki-chan as there are many more things to see or do. But nope... I see the fella chase Haru-chan around the rooms and in the course of his amorous intent, push down vases and small objects on the floor.

Lately, I have been also in need of a little bit of extra financial assistance. Things are really costing a lot and keeping these two eating and (soon to be) breading machines could be a taxing on my already dwindling financial situation, I have no choice but to put them up for auction.

The reserve price for Aki-chan and Haru-chan is RM50. They will come with their cage, water and food bowl plus their rabbit food, alfalfa and hay. Pickup will be at Amcorp Mall carpark or Ikano's McDonalds. Please send bid or request for more information to my email address nypl118@gmail.com.

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