Sep 14, 2008

How to Prevent a Sore Throat from turning into a Cold

I think this is the season to be coughing and sneezing. A lot of people seem to start of with a sore throat before they progress to a full blown cold. A friend of my Suzan shared something which I thought would help to prevent a sore throat from turning into a cold. This remedy was also practiced by my late dad as he really hates visiting doctors. No harm trying I reckon, if it will save you a bit of money and the ordeal of sitting in an air conditioned place with a stuffed nose.

What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds and Flus... if you don't know, read on.

You just won't get this information on why colds and flus can
help you stay healthy over the long run from medical textbooks
and mainstream media - please consider sharing it with family
and friends.

Although experiencing a cold or the flu once in a while can help
rid your body of your weakest cells, I'm willing to bet that there
are times when you would really prefer to delay such a period of
cleansing and malaise.

Here's how you can stand a good chance of preventing a cold from developing:

As soon as you experience that sore, tickly feeling in your
throat that precedes a full-blown cold, gargle with warm salt water.
And when I say gargle, I mean really gargle; take in a mouthful
of warm salt water, look up at the ceiling, and gargle aggressively.
You may want to tap at your throat (the Adam's apple region) with your fingers while you gargle to encourage the warm salt water to trickle
deeply into your throat.

Gargle like this several times with a glass of warm salt water, and
repeat as often as possible throughout the day.

Warm salt water can remove viruses from the tonsils and adenoids
that line the back of your throat region. Viruses that cause colds and flus typically get caught by your tonsils and adenoids before they spread through your body. Your tonsils and adenoids are important parts of your immune system because they are located near the entrance of your breathing passages, and they serve as a first line of defense against undesirable airborne microorganisms and substances.

This, by the way, is why it is best not to remove tonsils and adenoids from your throat region. Chronic swelling of tonsils and adenoids is best addressed by reducing sugar intake, adopting a minimally processed diet that is rich in fresh plant foods, and supporting immune system health by getting plenty of rest, exercise, and exposure to sunlight and fresh air.

Cold salt water may also help to remove viruses from your tonsils and adenoids, but warm salt water tends to be more effective. Warm water may help to melt the fatty coating that protects viruses that cause the cold and flu.

What if you gargle for all you're worth but still end up developing a full-blown cold?

Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take comfort in knowing that countless viruses are at work destroying your weakest cells. And don't forget to blow your nose as often as it runs; help your body get rid of what it wants to get rid of.

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