Sep 11, 2008

How to Talk so Women will Listen

This is the continuation post.. where I share Allan and Barbara Pease's book.

"How to Talk so Women will Listen" - Womenspeak

1. Participate in the conversation
Don't wait for your turn to talk. Female brains are wired to both speak and listen simultaneously., which is why women often seem to all talk at the same time. This is because they can. If you wait for your turn you'll just get older. If you don't actively participate in a conversation with women, it is perceived to be a lack of interest by you or that you hold a critical opinion.

2.Use facial expressions when listening
A woman's facial expressions reveal her emotions so, as she talks, mirror her expressions and gestures to create rapport. Never do this with another man.

3. Give her personal details and appeal to her emotions
Female brains are organized for reading the emotions of others and for evaluating relationships between people. Reveal to her, personal information about yourself and your family and volunteer your personal feelings about things.

4. Use indirect speech
Women's spoken sentences are longer than men's and may contain several subjects including her feelings and emotions about those subjects. Avoid getting to the point quickly, pushing for a fast solution to a problem, or "closing the sale". Be more friendly, relaxed and agreeable.

Well, do you think you agree with Allan and Barbara. I do and I think with if I keep this in mind, I will face less frustrations when I am trying to get through to the guys in my family *grins*

This is Brian Tracy. I will be starting on his book tonite :)

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