Jul 21, 2008

One Knight to Rule them all

3 movies within the last few days.. sounds like a movie marathon to me... actually, it was 2 ok movies and 1 "fantastic beyond words" movie.

The first of the lot which I watched was Hell Boy II - The Golden Army. The story was simple however some parts were rather ridiculous. The part where fishboy went all "lembek" over the elf girl. Hey.. she does not even look anywhere like a fish and geez... even my Aunt Bebe looks more fishy than her..opps...luckily Aunt Bebe does not read blogs. The most disappointing bit for me was the elves. Hey.. what happened to good looking elves who takes the forms of Legolas or Elrond and beautiful Arwen and Galadriel from Lord of The Rings?? The brother and sister pair Nuada and Nuala looked like vampires with very bad skins. But overall, luckily for the entire movie's visual effects, I give it a 6+/10.

Actually I only watched this next one as I missed the earlier screening of The Dark Night and the next one was at 1:00am (ouch.. not nocturnal lah). Since there was nothing else I really wanted to watch, decided to try "Journey to the Center of the Earth". The storyline was pretty interesting as I have never really read the book before. Don't know why I have always mistaken the story for the Allan Quatemain's King's Solomon's Mine with this story... two totally different story. Well, this was a very short movie but like I said, it was pretty interesting to me. Throughout the entire movie, I kept hoping that Max was still alive and also wondering how they were going to surface back to ground zero. Also realized that Brendan Fraser does look "goofy" most of the time in the movie... just like how one radio DJ's advertised this movie the last couple of weeks ago. I would rate this a 7/10

I am so glad to have left the best movie for last. Went to watch The Dark Knight yesterday and it was really the best movie I have watched for a long time. Normally I am one who refuse (most of the time) to watch movies which have been given rave reviews or have won some kind of award but this was one exception that I am so glad I made. It was really a pleasure to watch all those characters from the comic books coming to life. Villains like the Joker and Two Face looked like they literally stepped out from the comic books. Jack's Joker and Tommy Lee's Two Face really have been a far cry from that of Heath's Joker and Aaron's Two Face and this is not just the looks department but also the acting department. But back then, we didn't know any better..haha. And ...Batman Bruce Wayne..played by the tall, lean and handsome Christian Bale ... I have already forgotten who all the other Batmen of yesteryears... but I think Bruce looked a little bit to thin and gaunt in this sequel. He looks hotter in the 1st movie. But getting back to the movie... the excitement came wave after wave and I was sitting at the edge of my seat wanting it to go on and on... The batsuit, the batmobile, the batpod... WOW!!! It is a beautiful movie, albeit some sad parts but that is the way things has to be ... all superheroes .. are destined to be alone.... (maybe the only exception so far is Spidey).. so that the rest of us females can dream on believing that we are his one true love....buahaha...

This definitely takes my cupcake, a definite 10/10.... so good that I might go watch it again and again............ and again.

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