Jul 24, 2008

Star Wars Series 3 Mimobot Flash Drives

Wow.. this week has been so packed with work that it has just sped by without me doing much cooking or blogging or anything that I really like. The other thing is that my PC is almost bursting at its hard disk with so much work data that I may need to move some of my stuff onto external storage disks. So, today being a Friday and since I am still waiting for the training dates to be set, I do have some time to goof off today :D. Went net surfing and wow.. I saw something which I might buy (if it is not too expensive when it arrives here in Kuala Lumpur, specifically at Low Yat Plaza downtown). Have a look and let me know what you think.

This picture is taken from Gizmodo.com. Don't you think they are cute. They are the latest Star Wars flash drives from Mimobot designs.

Mimobot, fine purveyors of geeky collectible flash drives, have introduced the next batch of Star Wars flash drives. There's an egg-headed C-3PO, Wicket, Imperial Guard, Chewy, R2-D2 and the rest of the crowd. Apparently, they can play Star Wars sounds when you mount and unmount, if you want to go there. [mimobots via Underwire]

I am torn with which one I would want to buy as I like all of these...

The rest are quite nice too but don't think I will choose Han Solo (he looks so sissy) even though he is my fav character after C-3PO and R2-D2. Have a look at the rest them at Mimobot's website. Don't you think they are the cutest?

Joyce, whenever you are going to Low Yat or Digital Mall, do you think you can check if any of the suppliers are likely to get these shipped to them :p.. thanks :)

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