Jun 20, 2008

Not Your Average Super Hero

Now isn't it wonderful that Nuffnang is organizing an Exclusive Private Screening of Hancock. I have been eagerly awaiting this one as I have this secret ambition of becoming a Super Hero myself :).What makes a person a hero? Well, I should think most heroes are naturally brave, smart, and strong. It also helps if good looks are also thrown in.

What makes a hero a super hero? First you must qualify as a hero and then if you have some abnormal abilities, then you are on your way to qualifying as a super hero. I went to check the definition of a Super hero in Wikipedia and in short, the definition of a super hero is “A fictional character who is noted for feats of courage and nobility, who usually possesses abilities beyond those of normal human”. I think the key word here is “fictional character”.

Hey.. that is not fair.. I want to be a super hero too but wait a minute, what is there to stop myself from declaring myself as a super hero?? …mmm.. now.. if I were a super hero, what will I call myself…

Wonder Woman - nope.. boobs not big enough

Bat Girl – what and hang out with a ding bat of a partner???

Cat Woman – meow.. having to be catty and not being able to enjoy it as it is an expected trait...what a letdown

Princess Leia – wei!! What super qualities does she have…besides being a fictional character with donut shaped hair-do? JCo or Big Apple’s likely to fight for her to be their ambassador cum mascot

Super Girl – nah.. that name is best suited to my boss’ secretary. She sure has super human patience to work under a boss like ours

I know… I would call myself …. HAN-HEN, the female version of HAN-COCK. I am sure that if given half the chance, I can save the world, take care of all the bad folks but only thing is I am also a klutz… so says my mum…cannot even be trusted to carry her chicken stew from the kitchen to the dining table without tripping and tipping over the entire bowl, thus making everyone eat rice with fried egg for dinner …yah..that's me.

Well, did Hancock in the end learn how to safe the world without leave a trail of damage?? I cannot wait to find out.. so, please Nuffnang...*using my super persuasive powers* to convince the Nuffnang team......

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