Jun 19, 2008

Vouchers for a Holiday

Ah... what a wonderful day it is today... I mean besides being a Friday, which automatically makes it a great day already :).

After putting up my post yesterday on Ways to Make a Little Extra Cash, I was talking to Sue (mei mei) on MSN and we talked about how money was lacking and on ways to find a little extra to tie us over the days before payday. Then I told her that I was thinking of just taking a bus up to Genting Highlands this Sunday, to get away from the city and get a bit of cool air. That is the nearest to a holiday that I can afford :(. Immediately she asked me where I would be taking the bus and if I knew where Plaza Rakyat was? I think maybe I do. Why?

That was when she said "Tomorrow morning I'll swing by your office and pass you some Genting vouchers hor?". Wah.. a subsidized holiday???

So, this morning, I stopped by at Restoran Dang Wangi to get some nasi lemak (for me) and fried kway teow (for Sue as she was already having nasi lemak when I called her to take order). Met her downstairs from my office and she passed me this lot of vouchers.

Wah.. I am already planning my trip to up to Genting and it should cost me ... mmmmmm....

Ticket up (paid for)

Theme park (I have some friends plus Sue who will be up on Fri and Sat - to watch the Osmonds) - so can work out a share-share thingy

Meals (with great discount of 30%)

Night Entertainment (it's been a long time since my last magic show but I think I'll give the karaoke a skip.

Transport down the hill - free (tumpang - hitch a ride from Tobiyama who will be driving up to Genting tonight)

My weekend suddenly appears so much more exciting :). Thank you very much Sue mei mei. Hope to catch you up in Genting before you come down the hill. May Unca Lim look down kindly at us and bless us with a stack of Jackpot dough to take home to play with.... hahaha.. if you get my drift :)

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