May 4, 2008


I didn't really do much baking or cooking over the last few days. Was feeling rather lazy. Instead of spending the evenings baking, I spent most of them at the cinema. I watched Iron Man and The Forbidden Kingdom.

Iron Man was very exciting and even though I am not really that much of a comic fan, I totally enjoyed the show. Before Iron Man, I think the only other Man(s) I knew were Spiderman, Batman and Superman. Now, one more Man on my list.

However, I was quite disappointed with The Forbidden Kingdom. Even though the movie boasted of 2 mega Kung Fu Stars in the form of Jackie Chan and Jet Li, it was supposed to be a fast paced and highly interesting. But sadly, I actually fell asleep at least twice during the movie. Sigh...yeah... I might have been sleepy as I was watching the 11:10pm show, but I watched Iron Man even later, at 11:50pm.

I went into Rotten Tomatoes's website this morning just to find out if there were others who shared the same view as I have on the 2 movies and hey.. I am of the same opinion as the majority of the movie goers. Iron Man has all the new moves, whilst Forbidden is all the same old stuff. I had the feeling that they were just selling Jet Li and Jackie Chan and that was where it all stopped. Watching the Forbidden movie was really a yawn from start to end.

Iron Man rated 94% whilst The Forbidden Kingdom rated 62%.

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