Nov 2, 2011

Get The Perfect Tan Minus The Sun

Summer is a perfect time for you to get that beautiful tanned look on your body. A tanned body is something that most of us want to show off while being on the beach and even otherwise as well. So, what do you need for a gorgeous tan? Surely, a tanning lotion and lots of sun right! Have you ever thought of going for a sunless tan or Spray on Tan which is to get a wonderful tan minus the sun and the harm that it causes to the skin? Apart from this reason, prolonged exposure to the sun can also lead to premature wrinkling of your skin and development of sun spots which are visible later in life. Spray Tan Sydney is a kind of product which is safe to use and is recommended by the skin care specialists.

When your skin is exposed to sun, the melanin under the surface of the skin come up and skin gets pigmented. But when you use the sunless tan ointments or lotions, the DHA or di-hydroxy acetone in it reacts with the amino acids present in the skin to give you a dark tanned like look. This has been recommended by the FDA way back in 1970s as an extremely safe product to use on the skin and till date the DHA has been a part of all kinds of spray tanning solutions. DHA is a harmless form of carbohydrate which helps in the development of brain in the kids and is found in food items like sugar canes.

To avail sunless tan, you can either use gels, lotions, creams, mousses or even spray solutions. The more you use these products, the darker the shade of your skin will become. One of the things to bear in mind before you attempt doing spray tanning is to first rub the skin with an exfoliating bar or scrub. Once the dead skin cells are sloughed off the body, Spray tan Sydney solutions will work as wonders for your skin. In fact, the solutions will spread more evenly and give a sexy look to your legs and hands. Try to give it sometime before you want to see the results. The best time to put the tanning solution is before bedtime so that it gets an entire night to work upon your body.

All around us we often get to see as well as experience harmful effects of the ultra violet rays which tend to somehow reach our skin. Many of us do not understand but the seeds of skin cancer are planted deep within us during our tanning sessions. Spray tanning is the way we can get our body tanned without exposing ourselves to the harmful effects of the sun rays. Spray Tan Sydney is a perfect way to get a wonderfully tan which is even on your skin and has no long term or short term side effects. Ayurve Day Spa Sydney offer very natural way of tanning which does not involve harmful chemicals.
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