Oct 27, 2011

Give Yourself a Bikini Wax at Home

Whenever you want a nice, clean bikini line, a bikini wax at home could be a great option for your hair removal needs. Waxing produces a smooth and hairless finish and provides results that last longer than shaving. Whether you're going on vacation or know you'll be sporting bathing suits a lot throughout the entire summer, performing a wax will help you to strut your stuff worry-free.

Some people are afraid of bikini waxes for many reasons. If the thought of having an unfamiliar person in your personal space has kept you from getting one, you should know that you can certainly complete a bikini wax at home and have good results. Spas and salons have gotten some bad reviews lately with poor cleanliness habits and incorrect methods used. If you're cautious and knowledgable about sanitation when you are performing your waxing, you'll be able to feel safe knowing that your potential risks are reduced.

Getting a wax in a salon can be very expensive. You should expect to be charged $25 to $60 for each treatment in a salon or spa. For the same price of a single spa visit you'll be able to do many bikini waxes at home.

Before getting into the details of giving yourself a bikini wax, you need to know the difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian wax. While getting a bikini wax, you remove the parts of hair that might show if you're wearing tiny underwear. When getting a Brazilian wax, you get rid of all the hair within the vaginal area. If you're in need of a Brazilian wax, we recommend overcoming shyness and paying the money to see a professional. If you wish to give yourself a bikini wax at home, continue with the following procedure.

Steps to giving yourself a bikini wax at home

  1. Wash your hands and then organize all your materials. Ensure that you have clean cotton and paper towels on hand to help you with cleanliness.

  2. Wash your bikini area with antiseptic and then dry.

  3. Use either pre-wax oil or powder on the bikini wax. Use oil if your chosen wax is hard wax and powder if it is an alternative type of wax.

  4. Test out the temperature of the wax. If you're using hot wax, it should be about the consistency of honey. If it is thinner, the wax is most likely too hot. Be sure you check the wax on the inside of your wrist to make certain it isn't going to burn.

  5. Apply wax to the bikini area in segments. Use the applicator to apply the wax in the opposite direction of your growth of hair. Then move back over the section in the same direction of hair growth. Try to use a new applicator for each time you need to dip in to the hot wax.

  6. Place muslin or a cloth strip over the wax and rub the cloth in the same direction of hair growth so that the strip is secure.

  7. Take off the strip. Hold the skin tightly with your hand. Using your other hand, remove the wax using a fast movement in the other direction of hair growth. While removing the strip, keep your hand as close to your leg as possible - avoid pulling the strip up and away.

  8. Apply pressure to the area. The moment you remove the wax, use your hand to apply pressure to the skin. Doing this should help relieve the pain.

  9. Keep waxing your bikini area until you are happy with the amount of hair removal. If you missed some stray hairs, use tweezers to remove the hairs instead of applying more wax to the same area.

  10. Clean the skin. Remove any wax remains using a wax remover.

  11. Apply a post-wax cream that will calm the region and prevent irritation, ingrown hairs, and infection.

  12. A couple of days after your bikini wax, be sure to exfoliate your bikini area (and keep exfoliating each day) to help prevent ingrown hairs.

If you do your bikini wax with care and caution, you should have a nice, hairless bikini line for three to six weeks. Waxing takes more time than shaving initially, but the results definitely make up for the investment.

If you want more information about giving yourself a bikini wax, visit http://www.bikini-wax-at-home.com. You will find more information about what to do before and after giving yourself a wax at home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Nicole

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