Aug 5, 2008

Yikes...Malaysia is in the News again

As usual, instead of reading the newspapers over breakfast, I think many of us surf blogs and the internet news over breakfast. As I was just about to swallow my last mouthful of nasi lemak, I saw this headline "California Department of Public Health Warns Consumers Not To Eat Ego Hao Jin Bang Candy imported from Malaysia". Wah...better check liow as I love to buy all these local junk food (especially preserved fruits) from the supermarket and the name Ego does ring a bell.

Found Ego's website without too much difficulty and when it flashed up, my first thought was "Alamak. I have bought and eaten quite a fair bit of their products and if I am not mistaken, I still have some at home". I bet if you were to go to the website to have a look, you would probably have seen their products in most of the supermarkets but may not have bought any. My consolation is perhaps this. The report read "Pregnant women and parents of children who may have consumed this candy should consult their physician or other health care provider to determine if medical testing is needed". I am not pregnant and neither am I a child, perhaps it would not affect me. Ahhhh.... now I understand why I seem to be gaining a fair bit of weight lately. It was not all those cakes and cookies from the Food Exchange Program, but the lead bits that I am swallowing down....phew... and here I thought I had to cut down on the cakes and cookies.

This is the picture of the accused product. I will be keeping an eye out for statements from the manufacturer to dispute this.

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