Jun 17, 2008

Honey & Apple Vinegar

These days, with all that lovely food from the food exchange program, my own baking and cooking adventures (actually the failures are the hardest thing as I have to be the one to eat them up... else they are going to end up in the bin, which is really money and effort down the drain, let alone the frustrations) and the trying out at the food outlets recommended by some of my favorite bloggers, the waistline (what waistline??) is getting thicker by the day *sigh*. So how??

There were lots of recommendations from friends which included a Carbo-free diet, a fruits only diet, meal replacement diets, de-tox programmes and even a diet called the British Heart Foundation Diet. To me, whenever I hear the word Diet or see the word Diet... everything that comes after that word cease to enter my brain. The automatic gate closes. *sigh sigh*.

But I guess doing nothing about it is also not the best move to stop the ever increasing waistline. Hence, over the weekend, as I was doing my weekend grocery shopping at Mid Valley, mainly to look for healthier food alternatives, I happened to walked pass the Eu Yan Sang Outlet. Saw a load of people hovering outside. And being the super KPC (inquisitive) person that I am, I naturally went over to see what was happening. The 2 sales people were passing out little cups of chopped vegetables and naturally I took one :).

Mmmmm... it tasted very refreshing. It was apparently one of their highly popular Fruit Vinegar product. I have heard that fruit vinegar was supposed to be a very healthy supplement. A friend of mine swears by it, so much so that she makes her own. But the process was long.. almost about 2 to 3 weeks of fermenting. And one wrong move (like not ensuring that the jar or the fruits used were a 100% dry, rot will set in and you can say bye bye to your jar of fruit vinegar).

It was normally used as a drink but Eu Yan Sang has used it as a dressing. What a wonderful idea. After chatting with the sales person for about 10 mins, mainly to ask for a discount, I finally realized that I have the Eu Yan Sang loyalty card. That will immediately entitle me for a 5% discount (RM48 before discount). But apparently if you buy 2, it will cost you RM70 something). Ok lah.. decided to get 1 bottle back.

When I got home, took out all the soon to expire fruits and vegetables from the fridge and cubed them. Took out a can of Green Giant corn kernels. Put them all in a bowl and put in a generous 3 tablespoons of the Fruit Vinegar, toss the stuff around and stick it back into the fridge.

Took a container full to work today.... Mmm...tastes very refreshing and a whole lot less guilty eating this salad without the usual mayonnaise or thousand island dressings or even the french dressing (as there is still oil in it). You should try it, if not for the waistline reducing results (hopefully) but better bowel movements ... especially after ingesting all those fibrous vegetables and fruits.

**This is NOT a sponsored post...definitely NOT** :D

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