Apr 13, 2008

Sore Eyes - Conjunctivitis

I came to work last Thursday but my eyes were terribly itchy. However, I had a meeting at 10am, so I decided to go for the meeting before I went to see the company clinic. By that time, the itched progressed to slight tearing, which was kind of sticky. On one look, the doctor diagnosed Conjunctivitis - which is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids. It is a fairly common condition and usually causes no danger to the eye or your child's vision. The inflammation can have many causes, the most common of which are infectious, allergic, and irritant.

Picture obtained from a Medical-Pictures.com

Thursday and Friday was spent mostly resting as the doctor gave some allergy pills which really sent one to sleep. In fact, I slept more in those two days than I did for the last two weeks so much so that my dark circles under the eyes improved so much.

Anyway, I had a picture taken last night and it has been quite an improvement. Still some red veins left but no more itch or tearing. I suspect the infectious period is over... so it is back to blogging..... ahem.. I mean work today.

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