Apr 14, 2008

The Day When Hell (Kuala Lumpur) Freezes Over

Ha ha.. when I first heard it, I didn't believe it. A friend mentioned it last week in passing and I really didn't think much of it. Then again I saw it in Facebook and seriously I thought to myself, haha..Asians, especially KLites, will be game to do this sort of thing meh..

Then I heard it over RED FM yesterday when the Radio DJs talked about the Freeze. Tried to search it in the newspapers but could not find it. And this morning, my friend Tobiyama sent this site over via MSN "The day Kuala Lumpur froze". Watched the video and wished I was there :(. It was so cool. Have a look at the video and at the same time, have a look at the same thing that was done in Grand Central Station and Trafalga Square. They are sooooo cool lah.

Kuala Lumpur Freezes in Unison

Frozen Grand Central

The Trafalga Square Freeze

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