Jan 27, 2012

Brazilian Bikini Waxing: What to Expect

New York is the pioneering city for Brazilian bikini waxing, introduced in 1987 by 7 Brazilian born sisters. Even to this day, it is one of the most popular and talked about hair removal method in USA. This removes hair in the back, front and all other hidden places. Some clients prefer to leave a 'landing' strip, but you can chose to remove it completely. Be sure to mention it before you begin!

The process can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes, and would most likely be carried out in a private room where you can change. Hygiene is very important; ensure that you are provided with a paper thong. If not available, you can request for one. It is recommended to trim pubic hair before the process, as it makes the waxing process more efficient; however, you can request it. You do however need some hair for this process to take place.

Waxer will then apply talcum powder to the skin, which ensures that hot wax does not stick to your skin. If done properly and quickly, waxing will not hurt you too much. But remember, no pain, no gain! If however you are scared of pain, ask for a hard wax, which is thicker and can be peeled off when cooled. The waxer might request for your help to keep the skin taut.

The waxer would also remove hair from between your buttocks, but will most likely leave a landing strip around the front. Post treatment, any stray hairs can be tweezed out, and the landing strip trimmed to make it look prettier. Waxer will also apply some soothing lotion over the waxed areas; aloe-vera lotion or hydrocortisone cream also sooth over skin against bumps or redness.

The more you wax, less painful it will become. It is however definitely recommended to spice up things, and to keep everything clean!

If however, you are interested in Laser Hair Removal, feel free. More information on Hair Removal Machines are available here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neeraj_Sachdeva

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