Feb 22, 2011

How To Apply A French Manicure

he French manicure will make you feel and look great. It is the perfect complement to an already beautiful body. Whether you need one for a date or you want to look great for a night out, a manicure will accentuate your looks. To apply a French manicure, one must have clean hands and clean nails.  This is the most important step before applying any polish. You must have the following supplies ready should you decide to do it yourself:
  • Nail Base Coat
  • Nail Polish Remover (if there is polish on the hands)
  • Nail File
  • Cotton Wool and Buds
  • Top Coat Polish
The steps that follow are important if one is to the have the perfect French manicure.

Washing Your Hands Thoroughly

As stated above it is important to wash the hands to remove any dirt and grime that may linger in the nails. Use warm soapy water if at all possible. Scrub under the nails, too.

Nail Trimming

Trimming takes meticulous work because it can be trimmed incorrectly causing the nail to look worse. Gently file the nails to the shape and length that you desire.

Applying the Base Coat and the Nail Polish

Apply the coat with three to five strokes. This coat should be thin and even. Any mistakes must be fixed quickly. Once the base coat is put on, apply the nail polish to the exposed tips of the fingernail and let them dry. Be sure they are completely dry before proceeding any further.

Applying the Finish

Once the nails are completely dry, apply a layer of finishing polish on it to ensure a glossy coat. It’s okay to apply more than one coat in this instance. Applying a coat on still-wet polish will dimish any work that was done previously. A dry coat allows the second and third coats to stick better and prevent less cracking. Uneven looks are also common if the coat is not dry.


Because there is no hard and fast rule about the frequency of application, one must be careful and take a look at the nails each day or every other day. Nail chipping or scratches are a common occurrence when it comes to nails so it's important to inspect the nails consistently.

Make no mistake about it a French manicure is detailed work. There is always the possibility of unwanted results. Some stores sell a ready-made kit for French manicures, but if you’re not comfortable doing it by yourself, the salon option is available. Salons are filled with professionals that are trained to do the work and have therapies that suit your needs. Their steady hands and expertise ensure that the perfect coat is applied every time. Not everyone has the eye to do it. Go out in confidence and feel refreshed with the perfect French manicure.

About Ayurve Spa

Ayurve Spa is a hidden oasis located in Sydney's busy CBD. Conveniently located in Myer the Spa is a luxurious surprise tucked away on the first floor, combining the antique remedial traditions of Ayurveda with a wide range of modern and western beauty treatments, ranging from the Traditional Indian Shirodhara all the way through to Medical Peels and Laser Therapy. For More information visit http://www.ayurve.com
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