Sep 16, 2008

Cows NOT humping in the Carpark

I wanted to post this yesterday but there was something more important and pressing that I had to get off my chest. After reading a comment from my blogger friend Gargies "Cows humping in the car?" in her respond to my post yesterday, haha.. which really set me off laughing, I knew that I had to set the records right.

I was parked in Basement 3 of MidValley Megamall's carpark the other evening and as I was walking towards the escalators, I did a double take when I passed this vehicle. Firstly, it was not parked in a proper bay and secondly, it was virtually overtaken by cows...

Big ones, small ones, fluffy ones.. wow.. this person must be so into cows. I know that the owner is chinese by the chinese talisman hanging in the front. Not sure if the owner has a milk production factory or a something along that line.

Some of the cows are so cute. There must have been quite a fair bit of effort involved in collecting them. I so love the big ones here.

When I finished my shopping, the car was no longer there. But 9:30pm is probably too late to be out for any decent, well brought up cow(s) teehee. Anybody know where the big cutie cow is sold?

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