Jul 29, 2008

So Very Angry

This incident happened last Friday evening and even as I think about it, I still feel a little annoyed. But at that time, I was fuming.

I decided to go over to the pasar malam (night market) in Taman Desa last Friday and it must have been about 6:45pm to 7pm when I arrived. As usual, I was quite careful where I parked as I know that many of these pasar malam sellers are not the most polite of people. I picked a spot which was almost at the end of the stretch, and I noticed that there must be at least 4 car lengths of space between the corner fruit seller (I think that is his fixed spot) and the next seller (who happened to be a key-cutter or something on a motorbike with a side cart). Anyway, I knew that I would only be a short while as I only wanted to get some corn for the sugar gliders and some flowers for the altar. But I had to walk quite a fair distance to these sellers so, I must have been away for about half an hour.

As I was walking back, from afar, I noticed that there were a seller was in the midst of setting up his stall behind my car. There were lots of space between him and the fruit seller, but he chose to set up right behind my car. But that was not made my anger rise. I saw him utter something to the lady beside him (who I suspect must be the wife) and then he started kicking the bumper of my car.

I went up to him and asked him why he did that. He had the cheek to ask me "Which of your eyes did you see me kick your car!" (literally translated from chinese). I told him I just saw him do it. Then he changed the subject and started accusing me of taking up his spot at the pasar malam and he waited a long time for me to come and remove my car. I really didn't want to argue with this kind of man as he uses his gender and his loud voice, in hope of intimidating a woman. So, I looked around the car and found that he left his partly set up stall behind my car on the ground and I told him to remove it so that I can move my car. He just stood there mouthing obscenities and not moving anything. In front of my car was the drain. And the only way I could get out of that spot was to reverse my car (obviously the car cannot move sideways).
After waiting for about 2 minutes and him not doing anything about moving his stuff out of the way, with me seething inside the car, I made a decision. I will just put the car into reverse and roll over whatever that is behind my car to get out.

That was exactly what I did.... crunch.. crunch...crunch... As I put the car back into drive mode, I looked at the back view mirror and I saw him standing there, still arms akimbo but a look of "jaw dropped". He probably didn't expect me to do that. I really was too angry to think of the consequences right then.

When I shared this story with one of my brothers on Saturday during dinner, he laughed. But his wife asked me "You dare return to that pasar malam after this ah?". My answer to that is "And why not? And maybe, I might just do it again.... roll over his stuff, I mean". HAHAHA...

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