Jul 13, 2008

MICB Exhibition & Challenge

Whilst I was at Pastry Pro last Monday during my day off, Karen, the very nice sales lady there gave me a brochure which read "Malaysia International Bakery & Confectionery 2008 - Exhibition & Challenge". It was to be held at the exhibition hall at Mid Valley over 3 days. The exhibition was opened to all whilst the challenges were only open to contestants who are mainly chefs and bakers... i.e. professionals, not your home bakers haha.

As I was there on Sunday morning, many of the exhibits were already judged and displayed. I did ask politely if I could take photos and was told that I could take photos of all the judged exhibits only. I must not take those which are in the process of being judged and the kitchen area (as it could be very distracting to the contestants).

Some of the designs that I saw were really .... far out. No wonder the challenges were open only to the professionals. I stood staring at some of the designs and just could not figure out how on earth do they start on such pieces. They were so complicated.

For more nice pictures, please hope over to Min's Baking Project Blog. She was there too :).

The only sad thing is there were so few booths there. In a quick 10 minutes or less, you would have seen all the booths there. I stopped by at Pastry Pro hoping to meet Karen or Niki but I guess it too early for these 2 ladies. Bought some muffin cups and some cake toppers. Most of my time spent there was to stare in total fascination at the creations on display... plus trying to see over the glass kitchens to where the pastry chefs were... i think they were creating chocolaty stuff... yumm.

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