Jun 3, 2008

TLC - Truly Loving Company

After spending some time at Log n Roll and having my favorites safely packed inside a plastic bag, I went upstairs to get some gloves from ACE when I saw a very colorful stack of plastic bottles and containers on a little stall set up just in front of ACE. I walked by to kay poh chi (check it out) and this very nice lady in the standard magenta t-shirt politely asked if I had some time to spare.

She asked me if I have heard of TLC before and I replied "Tender Loving Care"? She smile and replied "Yes, a lot of people have called us that but in actuality, we are the Truly Loving Company". And as she was saying that, my eyes were surveying the things on the table. They were mostly kitchen and bathroom cleaners, bath and body products and floor detergents. So, what's with this Truly Loving Company thingy?

She patiently explained to me what TLC was about. They have a website where their mission and value statements are visibly spelt out. In a nutshell, their business model centers around this..

"The Truly Loving Company became the first socially responsible business in Malaysia to use a corporate profit model to develop, manufacture and market the TLC brand of high quality household and personal care products to the public but with 100% of TLC’s dividends being distributed to worthy Malaysian charities in order to provide them with a regular, sustainable, long term source of income and funds."

At the moment, their charity partners (they are actually the beneficiaries of the revenues of this company but to call them charity partners, I do believe that shows TLC's sensitivity towards these organizatons) includes the following:-

Rumah Aman


SHELTER home for children


TLC's first payout to its Charity Partners


After all that, she asked, ever so politely if I would like to have a look at their floor cleaners and offered me to take a whiff of their latest scent. From that point already, I was sold. I was willing to give them all the money I had in my wallet - haha.. not much lah as I am definitely not a cash rich person. I live from pay cheque to pay cheque every month :(.

Eventually, after looking, touching, smelling most of their products, I ended up buying this lot. I think the total cost for them is about RM64 or thereabouts. But I really felt that if an organization is so willing to do it's share for those who are in need, then why shouldn't we. It is not as it we do not use these products at home. You do need floor cleaners, kitchen cleaners, shower cream, hand lotion. Why not change to this brand of products, still get what you want and at the same time do just that little bit for those who needs it most.

Click here for the Truly Loving Company's official website. Their brand of products are available in supermarkets, hypermarkets and some of the pharmacies.

The best part of it all was that when I did get home to check on their website, only did I realize that the nice lady who spoke to me is their Chief Executive Officer, Ms Julia Chong. Wah.... reading her qualifications and previous work credentials already floored me liow. Now, I asked myself, how many CEOs have I met in my life, who is so humble, so polite and would stand almost the entire day (I was there until about 3pm lepaking and she was still around) trying to create public awareness on the cause of her organization in helping those in need. I really salute this lady and if I had this one wish (corporate wish lah haha), I would love to work for a boss like her. I hope you are reading this post Ms Julia Chong - HINT HINT!!!

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