Jun 1, 2008

Log n Roll

The weekend just past was a terribly good weekend for me. What made it good for me was that I was able to do my little bit towards charity and at the same time, got to take back lots of great stuff. Firstly, I "met up" with a long lost colleague on Facebook and he asked if I was free to drop by at Ikano over the weekend. He told me that he has a little kiosk in Ikano and he was going to donate all the revenue for the day towards 'bai xiao' (SRJK (c) Damansara). He wrote "I am sure you have heard about the story of bai xiao, right."...Eeerrr...not really.. but if there is food somewhere related to the cause, rest assured, I will be there :)

I was over Ikano before 10am (kiasu mah.. scared later no car park space). I casually walked by the kiosk and I noticed that people were only starting to arrange their stuff. As I didn't see my friend around and didn't want to look like a "ngor kwai" (hungry ghost) lurking in front of people's kiosk just waiting for them to start business, I went into Uncle Lim's to have my favorite breakfast of Nasi Lemak and a cup of Milo.

When my breakfast was safely packed inside my tummy, I walked out and there I saw him, my friend and ex-colleague. Shooked hands (no huggies, we are Malaysians after all...buahahaha) and caught up a little. Asked him what the charity drive was all about and he shoved this write-up in chinese up my face. Ahem.. banana lah.. cannot read. So, he explained a little about little temple school. Came home later to googled it to find out more. There was an article in the local daily a week ago. Click here to read further.

Meanwhile, back to my ulterior motive of being there... to buy his yummy Chee Cheong Fun (ok, ok...I admit lah, the charity thingy is the little motivation that got me up early on a Sunday morning, but the Chee Cheong Fun is the BIG motivation....happy??)

I knew that he was running a kiosk in Mid Valley selling Chee Cheong Fun coz Babe bought me some a while back. But I found out that he has relocated that kiosk over to Ikano as the rental at Mid Valley was very high. I like it very much, as it is convenient to keep in the fridge and can be stored for about 3 days ( immediately I felt assured that there is very little if not no preservatives as things without preservatives don't last that long, even if refridgerated).

The variety ranged from plain (vegetarian) to those with mushrooms, pandan (strange??), dried shrimps (cannot remember if there were others as I immediately stopped listening after he got to the dried shrimps... I love dried shrimps chee cheong fun). They are about RM4 a packet.

Oh yeah, the chillie is simply to die for.. it is absolutely delicious. Babe gave me some with the chee cheong fun and I made it last for weeks, taking only a little each time :). The small containers are priced at RM3 and the larger ones are RM5 (please don't quote me though.. this is just from pure recall).

Then there are the fish balls, foo chuks and good stuff (all halal...haha.. poor fella was so insistent that they only sell halal stuff ..coz me and my big mouth asked aloud if I could have some porky balls swimming in the soup).

One has the option of eating there or packing back. As that plate of Nasi Lemak was still hogging all that space inside my stomach, I had to pack back all the stuff that I have selected.

Yummy choice of gravy for those eating-in or rather eating at whatever seat they can find around Ikano shopping centre.

This is their price list. I would say that it is very reasonable. I bought back a packet of chee cheong fun (RM4), 10 pcs of Yong Tow Foo (RM3.90), 1 small tub of Prawn Chilli (RM3) and 1 tub of sweet sauce (RM1)... keeping it for tonite.

Ha Ha.. felt so good with myself. Got to meet up with a good friend, to do a little for the needy plus having my favorite food, chee chong fun in the plastic bag.

PC 43, Lower Ground Floor,
No.2, Jalan PJU 7/2,
Mutiara Damansara,
47800 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

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