Jun 29, 2008

Figure Maker from Shanghai

Last week has been a truly busy time for me and I really did not have a chance to blog. But there was also something which I wanted to share but only after my gumpaste and sugarpaste class yesterday.

I was up in Genting on Sunday the week before last and it really brought back lots of memories... memories when my dad was still with us and all those happy times. This time, I was alone, just myself and my phone camera... trying to re-capture the past..... enough already lah with the melancholy.. haha...

Anyway, as I was walking around taking in the lights and the sounds, I saw this small crowd of people and those who know me well will bet their last dollar bill that I will surely "kay poh chee" over to have a look.

The sign read "Shanghai Master - Delicate Figuring Making" - oppsss.. heehee.. English is definitely not his mother language :)

When I saw what he was doing, I immediately moved closer behind him to watch him work. What he was using looks so much like gumpaste, perhaps it has the same properties. Whilst he was working with the dough, it was very soft and pliable. But it will harden into a piece which was almost unbreakable.. as he demonstrated by knocking those samples he had in the boxes above against the table to show that they do not break easily.

This little girl was his model, very much against her wishes. Why do parents do these things to their kiddos haha.... The master sculptor was half way through when I came by and I stayed for at least another 10 to 15 minutes. The poor girl was fidgeting when I arrived and the parents were feeding her snack after snack just to keep her placated.

Do you know what this master sculptor's tools were?

It was only his pair of hands and two little plastic looking thingy. If you look at the last picture at the bottom of the page, you'll see it. One is only slightly larger than the other. Wow... this guy is good. And he is quite detailed as I only noticed that the little girl's eyelashes were rather long and prominent when he put them on the scupltor. Plus some little design on her singlet. I am truly impressed :)

The finished product in a box...

When I saw that , I was even more excited about my Gumpaste & Sugarpaste class with Min... haha...

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