May 6, 2008

When evidence of laziness is so clear

I have been going through a real bout of laziness. Have not really done anything exciting in the kitchen since Labor Day holiday. This piece of labor is definitely not laboring out as she should be. Must be the scales at work here.... heehee... yah, you've guessed it. This is true Libra in action. The scales are definitely dipped towards LAZY at the moment.

I was chatting with JW yesterday over MSN and was talking about baking something for her and her sister since she was coming by KL for lunch the next day. But by the time I got home, the lazy bones inside me were lulling me to sleep. Fought it all the way and in the end, managed to move this set of bones into the kitchen. What shall I make that would be fast and not too laborious??

Found this neat little recipe for Shortbread which took less than 4 steps or so. Just the right piece of recipe for me. Started off at about 9pm. Got everything done by 9:30pm, that is only the shortbread batter. Now for the cookie shaping. This is where I really started to feel the laziness slip in.

When I first started, I picked up a cookie cutter shaped like good ole Mickey's head. Didn't realize that the dough was rather soft. Hence, making Mickey's head took a bit of effort as they kept going out of shape. I did about 10 of these and decide, hey, why make life hard for oneself. So, I decided to change the shape of the cookie cutter. Attempted to do the hearts and the flowers. These were worse as the shape totally went off the minute I transferred them into the baking tray. Sigh.. chuck the 10 Mickeys into the oven to bake whilst I contemplated over the next cookie cutter to select.

Mmm... not that I had a lot of cookie cutter shapes to select from... I decided on the bolster shape. Looks easy enough...but after doing about 15, the going was going to be slow. The reason being that these shapes are taking quite a fair bit of space on the next baking tray that I have (which is fairly small). It'll take me all night to do at the speed I am going....sigh.

When the Mickeys came out, the bolster (bantal) shaped ones went in. This time, I decided... what the heck, this baking tray was bigger and if I made them all round, 1 more round of baking is all I need and I can go to zzzzzz (slumberland) after this. So, the last tray went in all round...haha.

If I could draw a graph of productivity level, it is definitely a downhill chart....

which has an inverse relationship with my laziness graph...

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