May 14, 2008

Gruesome Photos of the recent Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar

Latest updated from Associated Press (8 hrs ago) read...

Heavy rains head toward cyclone-devastated Myanmar

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Heavy rains and another potentially powerful storm headed toward Myanmar's cyclone-devastated delta on Wednesday. The U.N. warned that inadequate relief efforts could lead to a second wave of deaths among the estimated 2 million survivors. The International Red Cross said in a new estimate that the death toll already may be between 68,833 and 127,990......

At times, words do little to jolt our senses. We read words and we forget words. However, with pictures, they sometimes stay in our minds for a long long time. The only reason why I wanted to share this photos, albeit gruesome is just to remind us that life is fragile. We will surely and certainly die one day, only the when, where and how is unknown. These words have been spoken so many times by my Guru, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, but not often enough as many of us still continue to channel our efforts on many things which are unimportant and trival to us in our daily lives thinking that we'll live forever and loose sight of the larger things.

These pictures were sent to me this morning and some of them are indeed are rather offensive. However, please view them (if you are up to it) with compassion and understanding on the fragility of life, if nothing else. If you do not want to view them, there is enough time to close this page before the first picture even appears.

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