Apr 16, 2008

A Piece of Choc Cheese Cake to Chase Away the Blues

During my morning ritual of running through some of my favorite blogs before I start work, I noticed that some of my dear friends are not really that happy today. Firstly, I know for a fact, after posting in my other blog about how terrible it was for bloggers to pilfer contents and pictures from other bloggers, my friend babe experienced just that. Babe's was so much worse as the "thief" is non-other than.... oh dear.. The Star!! And according to babe, after her email inquiry has gone to the editor, they conveniently removed the clip...sigh...

Then went over to fishmandiary's blog.. yikes.. he is having a mood swing.. and it is swinging in a not so nice direction. Too bad he had to work late..... again.. coz I invited him to have a little supper cum bitching session (ya ya.. if a guy can have mood swings, he can jolly well bitch too), else he might have felt just that little better. Furthermore, I had a little sweet temptation of a chocolate cheesecake that might just have chased a bit of the blues away.

But then again it might not have done that.. he might have even been worse off ..why, you asked. Coz I met up JW despite fishmandiary not being able show up and gave her some of the cake....

I gave her about this many and also she ate fishmandiary's share at McD (2 pieces) and this morning, when i popped into her blog, I saw this....

Woman is having a headache.... yikes.. I hope this has nothing to do with the cake???

BTW: note how the cake pictures have been defaced with that awful text (snigger snigger), this is to make sure nobody steals my photos... not that they are anywhere worth considered to be stolen.. but just to prove a point..(smirk).

Have a better 2nd half of the day my friends.... hugs.....

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